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Automatic Disk Label duplication

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Automatic Disk Label duplication

Postby CJFerreira » Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:04 pm

Every time I make disks I make multiple copies. It is unnecessarily time-consuming to have to build both disk images on a sheet every time I do a project.

Why not have the ability to copy the layout of one disk to ALL label locations on the page? It would be so much easier and I'm sure the feature would not be terribly difficult to implement. Even the ability to copy and paste the entire disk label layout would be helpful.
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Re: Automatic Disk Label duplication

Postby Admin » Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:22 am


AudioLabel has an option called "Disc Position" which controls how the disc(s) are arranged on the paper, and also has settings for duplicate discs. The "Disc Position" can be set to:

Disc 1-Top
Disc 1-Bottom
Disc 1-Duplicate
Disc 2-Top
Disc 2-Bottom
Disc 2-Duplicate

You should only have to design the disc once, and then select "Disc 1 - Duplicate" for the "Disc Position"
The "Disc Position" option is shown on the "Properties Toolbar" when the page is selected , or the disc outline is selected.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.
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Re: Automatic Disk Label duplication

Postby CJFerreira » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:08 am

You folks are awesome!
Your product seems to be very solid - good job!
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Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2015

Re: Automatic Disk Label duplication

Postby ConcordKAH » Thu Jan 07, 2016 4:01 pm

Is it possible, after duplicating one of the disks to the other, to then make a change to one but not the other? I always create a Blu-Ray version and a DVD version, where the only difference between the two is that one says DVD and the other says Blu-Ray. The rest of the design is exactly the same. It seems that I can duplicate 1 to 2 or 2 to 1, but then any change I make to one is automatically duplicated to the other.

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Re: Automatic Disk Label duplication

Postby ConcordKAH » Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:56 pm

Any update on this? Seems like it would be most helpful to have a simple checkbox to "Link Disk Labels" that would by default be selected and produce the current configuration (any changes to one disk's label is duplicated on the other disk's label). HOWEVER, unchecking the box would subsequently unlink the two disks so that changes could be made to one disk without effecting the other disk. In this way I could create two of the same disks with the box checked, and then uncheck the box and make small changes to one disk without that change appearing on the other disk.

I love your product but this one issue is a major pain...

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