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Trouble printing with Canon Pro-100

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Trouble printing with Canon Pro-100

Postby sdean7855 » Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:40 am

Loved the Epson CD Print program, but my old Artisan 50 printer was too troublesome. Now have the big Canon Pro-100. I have made a rudimentary printed DVD using Canon's Image Garden, but that program is an utter dud for anything beyond a bit of straight text.
Am now looking at AudioLabel and able to do pretty much of the design I could with Epson CD Print. Printing with it so far hasn't put down any ink. I start with the print menu
PrintPropertiesMenuA.jpg (Viewed 4482 times)

I can't seem to upload more than one file, so the following images will be URLs on line
Then I get the printer config dialog windows which I've set like this
I then get another popup telling me to setup the CD looks like this:
So I setup up the's a picture. Note that just as I set the printer to use the Tray K, I am (see bottom left) and the yellow light above the bottom right button is lit
The printer shuffles the tray in and out over a couple of minutes, but never prints anything and finally spits the tray out. No error message, no messages.
Hoping to make AL work...nice reasonably priced program.
InitialMenu.jpg (Viewed 4482 times)
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2023

Re: Trouble printing with Canon Pro-100

Postby petewinca » Sat Jul 29, 2023 5:55 pm

Hi sdean,

I also have the Cannon Pixma Pro 100 and had no problem printing a CD, the only difference I can spot is that I chose Photo Printing rather than standard, though I'm not seeing all your images. Once I submit the print I get a popup telling me not to load the CD tray until I'm prompted. Several minutes later I get the message to load the tray and it prints. I assume in the AudioLabel print dialog you are selecting the Canon Pixma Pro 100 template.

Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jul 28, 2023

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