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Track Details

Postby b111-c1-1ad » Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:50 pm

I have just purchased the AudioLabel v6 software and my initial experience is that it is indeed an excellent program.
I am however experiencing problems when trying to use the “Read CD” facility. Of course, it could be me, although I have accessed help and your forum to address the issue without success.
Therefore, it would be appreciated if you could advise how to resolve this issue.

On inserting a CD into my PC (Windows 10) and selecting the “Read CD” button the software appears sometimes to read only track numbers from a CD and sometimes from a different CD reads track numbers, names etc. This is consistent with both commercial and ones created by myself.

In both types of CD, there are full text details of the Artist, Title etc on them and all these details can be read by other software including Nero Burning Rom, either by “Save audio tracks” or “Copy CD” facilities and "Gracenote".

All the boxes in “Search for Album Information” are ticked, advance settings set to “, “MP3 settings” box ticked and the CD player.ini is set to: - C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Burn\Burn\desktop.ini”.
I have also tried all the “Freedb server” options without success.

When AudioLable successfully reads a CD’s full information in the “Text Editor” displays the correct information (with the same settings as given above) and all can be inserted on to the CD template. However, I am unable to place the text where I want it by dragging into position on the CD. Is this facility supported in AudioLabel?

I look forward to receiving your help on these issues.


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Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2017

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