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possible bug or limitation manually typing in booklet info

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possible bug or limitation manually typing in booklet info

Postby glennemills » Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:41 pm

Hi. Using AudioLabel 6 (build 3) full version on windos 7 pro PC with 16Gb ram. Trying to make a front booklet for an 86 year old with poor vision for a CD that has 24 tracks. Using 14 pt arial. Have turned text linking off to allow different tracks on each of 2 pages. Got as far as track 19 typing in track number, track title/artist, and time. No matter how I try to get to the time section for track 20 I cannot get to it. Have tried clicking into the area, arrowing down and sideways with no success. Is there a workaround or fix for this? I am attaching a screen grab. Thanks for any help you can provide! Best, -Glenn
AudioLabelScreenCapture.jpg (Viewed 13137 times)
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Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2015

Re: possible bug or limitation manually typing in booklet in

Postby Admin » Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:08 am


Thanks for posting the screenshot, it was very helpful. The screenshot shows that there are only 7 tracks selected on the "Tracks" dropdown box on the left side. Please change this to the number of tracks needed (and erase all the extra text for track 7).

An easier way to do the same thing would be to put your CD into the computer and then press the "Read CD" button in AudioLabel. If your CD is in the database, the Artist, Title, and Track List will be filled out automatically. Even if the CD could not be found, then number of tracks and track times would be automatically filled.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.
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