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Epson L800 Disc Printing Problem, Editor vs. Preview

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Epson L800 Disc Printing Problem, Editor vs. Preview

Postby Tomi » Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:15 pm

Hi! I have the Audiolabel 5.0 version. It worked well with my Canon PIXMA MG6250 printer, but when I switched to Epson L800 I saw a problem. The size of the images in the DVD disc label editor are not the same with the ones in the print preview. In the print preview they are smaller. And I must edit guessing, until they look ok in preview. I am using Audiolabel to print to DVD and Bluray discs, using the disc tray of the printer. I set up the L800 in the settings panel of audiolabel and checked all the settings of the printer. The print area is centered with the disc. Only the images inserted in the editor, become smaller and leave blank areas on top of them, in the preview and after printing as well. In the editor everything looks ok. The only way to correct this is to enlarge the pictures and misalign them over the disc margins, taking a guess in the editor. And then to check the preveiw if it's ok. Is there a way to make it work properly?

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Joined: Fri Dec 05, 2014

Re: Epson L800 on Disc printing problem, editor vs preview

Postby Admin » Fri Dec 05, 2014 3:39 pm

Hi Cristian,

As a test, I installed AudioLabel 5.0 (Build 9) along with the Epson L800 print driver on Windows 7 Professional 64bit, and could not recreate the problem.

When you go to "Print" in AudioLabel there is an option called "Background Overlap". If the Background Overlap option is set above zero, the clipping area around the cover edge is expanded. This can make the background image look larger, which also makes the images on top look smaller.

Do you have the "Background Overlap" option set to zero?
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