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Installing AudioLabel on more than one computer

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Installing AudioLabel on more than one computer

Postby LaurieAnn » Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:04 am

I have tried AudioLabel and find it to be a VERY GOOD product! I want to purchase the full version. I will be purchasing a new laptop before the new year and want to know, once I DO purchase the product this month and download and install it on this laptop, may I download the product again for installation on the new laptop? If so, is there a limit of how many computers I can download to for my own PERSONAL use?

You've really done a great job on this application! As a programmer and computer teacher, I am really impressed! The CDs made with LightScribe have come out beautiful!

Thanks to all your programmers for a great product! I really think they wrote the code for the "end user" and must have done some good survey's of what the end user really wants! Kudo's to all!

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Re: Purchasing & Reinstalling

Postby pec2027 » Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:48 pm

I Would like a answer this question also...I have 3 computers I would like to install AudioLabel on. If I need to purchase more than 1 license to do this I most likely will continue looking for software that will allow more than 1 computer installation. Thanks

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Re: Purchasing & Reinstalling

Postby Admin » Sat Nov 02, 2013 7:15 pm

Hi LaurieAnn,

Thank you, thank you for your kind words. We are happy to hear you are enjoying AudioLabel.
My apologies for the late response.

Regarding your question:
May I download the product again for installation on the new laptop? If so, is there a limit of how many computers I can download to for my own PERSONAL use?

Yes, you may download the program on your new laptop.
You can install AudioLabel license on more than one computer provided you are the only user. AudioLabel license is per user, not per computer.

There are other posts on our forum about this subject:

Let us know if you have additional questions.
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